Health certificate: Large driving licence + Medibus
Are you a professional driver and want to renew your licence? If so, you must be able to prove at every driving licence renewal that you are healthy enough to drive. CBR assesses this with the Health Declaration.
What should you do?
• Start your application in good time. Assessing whether you are healthy enough to drive can sometimes take four months. Therefore, fill in your Health Declaration well in advance and digitally to be able to obtain or renew your driving licence on time.
• Complete the Health Statement on my CBR. You log in with DigiD and the extra check via SMS. Don't have a DigiD with SMS verification? Then apply for one first at www.digid.nl.
• Fill out the Health Statement yourself. Because it involves your personal data and these see confidential. Answer the questions on the Health Declaration and pay via Ideal.
• After submitting your Health Declaration, you will be notified via MyCBR. This can take up to 5 working days. You will then receive an examination report for the doctor and any other forms you need to have completed.
Make an appointment for a Major Driving Licence Examination at Medimark (0800 6334627) or www.medimark.nl. Bring your notice with all attachments and your proof of identity to the driving licence examination.
• The doctor will examine your general physical and mental health and complete the examination report and any other forms.
• Are you under treatment by a specialist for a health problem? And do you already know that CBR needs a report from the specialist? Then you can often visit your own treating specialist for a report and also send this directly along with the examination report.
• There is a unique code on the examination report you received. Medimark will use this code to send all the requested information digitally to CBR.
• CBR assesses all the information. Via MijnCBR you will receive notification of the results.
For Medibus examination, you should complete the questionnaire by using the client code from the e-mail appointment details, which you received from Medimark in your mailbox. Once you have done the above, we can examine you for Medibus and Grand Driving Licence in one appointment.
If you have a question, please give us a call, we will be happy to help!
Validity inspection: 5 years
Inspection duration: 20 minutes
Duration of examination: 30 minutes
• Client completes Crane operator questionnaire.
• Doctor discusses questionnaire with client
• Height
• Weight
• Blood pressure
• Wrist
• Vision test (5 metres)
• Field of vision
• Urine (small stick)
• Audiogram (hearing test)
• Resting ECG (heart pulse in when relaxed >40 years)
At your request, Medimark can also perform a targeted additional examination during the crane operator examination to assess your fitness to drive goods. This is not a driving licence examination.
Validity of examination: 5 years
Duration examination: 20 minutes
Preventive Medical Examination Woman-II
• Client completes online PMO questionnaire
• Comprehensive physical examination
• Biometrics
• WHR (size measurement , waist and hip ratio)
• Fat percentage measurement
• Blood pressure
• Pulse (heart rate)
• Eyesight test
• Audiogram (hearing test)
• Lung function
• Urine test
• Ergometry:
ECG Rest (cardiac video when relaxed)
ECG Stress (exercise heart monitor: cycling test)
• Blood tests:
Alanine aminotransferase, Aspartaat aminotranferase, Cholesterol, HDL-Cholesterol, LDL-Cholesterol,Bezinking, Gamma-GT / GGT, Glucose, Hemoglobine, Kreatinine, Ureum, Triglyceriden.
Blood count: Leucocytes, MCV, Thrombocytes.
Test duration: 60 minutes
Preventive Medical Examination Woman-I
• Client completes online PMO questionnaire
• Comprehensive physical examination
• Biometrics
• WHR (size measurement, waist and hip ratio)
• Fat percentage measurement
• Blood pressure
• Pulse (heart rate)
• Eyesight test
• Urine test
• Ergometry:
ECG Rest (cardiac video when relaxed)
• Blood tests:
Test duration: 40 minutes
Preventive Medical Examination Man-I
• Client completes online PMO questionnaire
• Comprehensive physical examination
• Biometrics
• Percentage measurement
• WHR (size measurement, waist and hip ratio)
• Blood pressure
• Pulse (heart rate)
• Eyesight test
• Urine test
• Ergometry:
ECG Rest (cardiac video when relaxed)
• Blood tests:
Test duration: 40 minutes
Preventive Medical Examination Man-II
• Client completes online PMO questionnaire
• Comprehensive physical examination
• Biometrics
• WHR (size measurement , waist and hip ratio)
• Fat percentage measurement
• Blood pressure
• Pulse (heart rate)
• Eyesight test
• Audiogram (hearing test)
• Lung function
• Urine test
• Ergometry:
Resting ECG (heartbeat when relaxed)
• Blood tests:
Cholesterol, HDL-Cholesterol, LDL-Cholesterol,Sedimentation, Gamma-GT / GGT
Glucose, Hemoglobine, Kreatinine, Triglyceriden.
Blood count: Leucocytes, MCV, Thrombocytes.
Test duration: 60 minutes
KNAF medical examination International license holders under 45 years of age
KNAF medical examination International license holders under 45 years of age jonger dan 45 jaar
Test duration: 30 minutes
KNAF medical examination International licence holders over
KNAF medical examination International license holders under 45 years of age ouder dan 45 jaar
Duration of examination: 45 minutes
KNAF motorsport medical examination National EU
KNAF motorsport medical examination National EU
Duration of examination: 20 minutes
KEURING HEALTH CHECK UITGEBREID inclusief inspanningstest
• Cliënt vult Health Check Uitgebreid vragenformulier in
• Physical examination
• Biometrics
• Fat percentage measurement
• Blood pressure
• Pulse (heart rate)
• Saturatiemeting (zuurstof bloed)
• Eyesight test
• Urine test
• Ergometry:
ECG at rest. (relaxed).
ECG stress. (hartfilmpje bij inspanning: fietsproef)
• Blood tests:
Cholesterol Totaal, Gamma-GT, Kreatinine
Duur: 60 minuten
Inspection location: Only in Amstelveen, Breda, Eindhoven and Rotterdam
• Client completes the examination form Medical Examination of Shipping Personnel from the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management.
• Examination according to the examination sheet of the form
• Biometrics
• Blood pressure
• Pulse (heart rate)
• Eyesight test
• Ishihara test (colour discrimination)
• Audiogram (hearing test)
• Urine test
• After the medical examination, one receives a completed Medical Certificate with it. Medimark notifies the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management.
Please bring completed form Medical Examination Shipboard Personnel before the appointment.
Validity of examination: 2 years
Duration of examination: 30 minutes
(Including exercise ECG)
• Client completes questionnaire Compressed air examination
• Physical examination
• Biometrics
• Blood pressure
• Pulse (heart rate)
• Eyesight test
• Audiogram (hearing test)
• Lung function
• Urine test
• Ergometry:
ECG at rest (relaxation)
Exercise ECG (exercise, cycling)
De werkgever ontvangt een certificaat als de werknemer is goedgekeurd.
Cliënt ontvangt men een pasje met goedkeuring.
Wanneer men een veiligheidspaspoort bij zich heeft kan dan daarin een stempel worden gezet, de handtekening van de arts, de soort keuring en de geldigheidsduur.
Validity inspection:
Age up to 39 years, 3 years
Age 40-49 years, 2 years
Age from 50 years, 1 year
Duration of examination: 30 minutes
Inspection location: Only in Amstelveen, Breda, Eindhoven and Rotterdam
Offshore NOGEPA Basic
• Client completes NOGEPA form
• Physical examination
• Biometrics
• Blood pressure
• Pulse (heart rate)
• Audiogram (hearing test)
• Lung function
• Urine test
• Shoulder width measurement
• X-ray only on indication
A NOGEPA stamp will be placed in the green booklet. (Pass is available if required)
Certificate sent to employer.
Certificate sent to employer.
Duration of examination: 2 years
Duration of examination: 30 minutes
(outside-independent breathing air)
• Client completes Soil Sanitation C form
• Physical examination
• Chronic skin disorders
• Allergies airways asthma / COPD
• Applicability of respiratory protection
• No low-salt diet
• Biometrics
• Blood pressure
• Pulse (heart rate)
• Smell test
• Ishihara test (colour discrimination)
• Eyesight test
• Audiogram (hearing test)
• Urine test (large stick)
• Lung function test
• Ergometry:
ECG at rest. (relaxed).
Exercise ECG. (exercise, cycling test).
• Blood tests:
ASAT, ALAT, Gamma-GT, Kreatinine, Urea.
Blood count: Leucocytes, Hb. MCV, Thrombocytes.
The employer receives a certificate if the employee is approved. Client receives a pass with approval.
If one carries a safety passport, one can then put a stamp in it, the doctor's signature, the type of examination and the validity period.
Validity of examination: 1 year
Duration of examination: 60 minutes
ONSHORE, working at height G41
• Client completes Onshore questionnaire
• Comprehensive physical examination
• Musculoskeletal, balance organ, vertigo, cardiac, depth perception.
• Biometrics
• Blood pressure
• Pulse (heart rate)
• Vision
• Urine test
• Lung function
• Ergometry:
ECG at rest (relaxation)
A stamp is placed in the green booklet. One is examined according to the G41 guidelines. (Pass is available if required)
Certificate sent to employer.
Validity of examination: 2 years
Duration of examination: 30 minutes
• Client completes online Compressed air examination questionnaire
• Physical examination
• Biometrics
• Blood pressure
• Pulse (heart rate)
• Eyesight test
• Audiogram (hearing test)
• Lung function
• Urine test
De werkgever ontvangt een certificaat als de werknemer is goedgekeurd.
Cliënt ontvangt men een pasje met goedkeuring.
Wanneer men een veiligheidspaspoort bij zich heeft kan dan daarin een stempel worden gezet, de handtekening van de arts, de soort keuring en de geldigheidsduur.
Validity inspection:
Age up to 39 years, 3 years
Age 40-49 years, 2 years
Age from 50 years, 1 year
Duration of examination: 30 minutes
Health certificate: Large driving licence + Medibus
Are you a professional driver and want to renew your licence? If so, you must be able to prove at every driving licence renewal that you are healthy enough to drive. CBR assesses this with the Health Declaration.
What should you do?
• Start your application in good time. Assessing whether you are healthy enough to drive can sometimes take four months. Therefore, fill in your Health Declaration well in advance and digitally to be able to obtain or renew your driving licence on time.
• Complete the Health Statement on my CBR. You log in with DigiD and the extra check via SMS. Don't have a DigiD with SMS verification? Then apply for one first at www.digid.nl.
• Fill out the Health Statement yourself. Because it involves your personal data and these see confidential. Answer the questions on the Health Declaration and pay via Ideal.
• After submitting your Health Declaration, you will be notified via MyCBR. This can take up to 5 working days. You will then receive an examination report for the doctor and any other forms you need to have completed.
• Make an appointment for a Major Driving Licence Examination at Medimark (0800 6334627) or www.medimark.nl. Bring your notice with all attachments and your proof of identity to the driving licence examination.
• The doctor will examine your general physical and mental health and complete the examination report and any other forms.
• Are you under treatment by a specialist for a health problem? And do you already know that CBR needs a report from the specialist? Then you can often visit your own treating specialist for a report and also send this directly along with the examination report.
• There is a unique code on the examination report you received. Medimark will use this code to send all the requested information digitally to CBR.
• CBR assesses all the information. Via MijnCBR you will receive notification of the results.
For Medibus examination, you should complete the questionnaire by using the client code from the e-mail appointment details, which you received from Medimark in your mailbox. Once you have done the above, we can examine you for Medibus and Grand Driving Licence in one appointment.
If you have a question, please give us a call, we will be happy to help!
Validity of test: 5 years
Duration of examination: 20 minutes
ONSHORE, working at height G41 with blood test
• Client completes Onshore questionnaire
• Comprehensive physical examination
• Musculoskeletal, balance organ, vertigo, cardiac, depth perception.
• Biometrics
• Blood pressure
• Pulse (heart rate)
• Vision
• Urine test
• Lung function
• Ergometry:
ECG at rest (relaxation)
• Blood tests:
Gamma-GT, Kreatinine, Cholesterol, Triglycerides, CRP, Glicose
Blood count: Leucocytes, Hb, MCV, Thrombocytes.
A stamp is placed in the green booklet. One is examined according to the G41 guidelines. (Pass is available if required)
Certificate sent to employer.
Validity of examination: 2 years
Duration of examination: 30 minutes
Client completes online Soil Remediation B questionnaire
• Physical examination
• Biometrics
• Blood pressure
• Pulse (heart rate)
• Smell test
• Ishihara test (colour discrimination)
• Eyesight test
• Audiogram (hearing test)
• Urine test
• Lung function test
• Ergometry:
ECG at rest. (relaxed).
• Blood tests;
ASAT, ALAT, Gamma-GT, Kreatinine, Urea.
Blood count: Leucocytes, Hb. MCV, Thrombocytes.
The employer receives a certificate if the employee is approved. Client receives a pass with approval.
If one carries a safety passport, one can then put a stamp in it, the doctor's signature, the type of examination and the validity period.
Validity of examination: 1 year
Duration of examination: 50 minutes
What are erythrocytes?
Erythrocytes are red blood cells that transport oxygen through the body via the Hb (see Hb or Haemoglobin). They also transport carbon dioxide back to the lungs to be discharged. The erythrocytes (Ery's) have a red colour due to the Hb but they are special mainly because they do not have a nucleus like other cells. They are made in the bone marrow thereby, for example, prompted by the kidneys making a substance called erythropoietin (EPO also known as doping). The cells live for about 120 days so the bone marrow is busy continuing to make new cells each time. There are about 5.3 million per cubic mm of blood.
Normal values?
In women, the normal value is approximately between 3.8 and 5.5 and in men between 4.3 and 6.0.
In malaria, the plasmodium parasite enters the erythrocyte and grows in it. People who have a form abnormality of the red blood cell, for example sickle cell, do not get malaria.
Note! These normal values are only an indication and depend, among other things, on the determining laboratory.
What is FSH?
Follicle-stimulating hormone is formed in the pituitary gland in the brain. It causes the maturation of eggs in women and the maturation of sperm in men. FSH, together with LH (luteinising hormone) (see LH), ensures a proper menstrual cycle. Two weeks before ovulation, FSH ensures oocyte maturation through oestrogen production (see oestrogen); after ovulation (ovulation), together with LH it ensures the formation of the hormone progesterone (see progesterone). It can be measured at what stage ovulation is but also whether menopause has begun.
Normal values?
Women 1.0-8 before and after ovulation
Note! These normal values are only an indication and depend, among other things, on the determining laboratory.
What is ASAT?
ASAT is aspartic aminotransferease is a substance used to detect liver damage and it is often determined together with ALAT (see ALAT). The ratio of these two substances is an indication for the doctor to determine the status of the liver. If ASAT is higher than ALAT then there is often liver cell death but if the ratio is the opposite with no liver cell death, it is usually viral hepatitis (virus infection of the liver). ASAT is found in many cells of our body and this means that if ASAT is elevated, it could possibly be due to a problem other than with the liver but, for example, a ruptured muscle. This makes ASAT less liver-specific than ALAT.
Normal values?
Men less than 45 and in women less than 35.
Note! These normal values are only an indication and depend, among other things, on the determining laboratory.
What is ALAT?
ALAT is alanine aminotransferase is a substance used to detect liver damage and it is often determined together with the ASAT (see ASAT). The ratio of these two substances is an indication for the doctor to determine the status of the liver. If ASAT is higher than ALAT then there is often liver cell death but if the ratio is the opposite with no liver cell death, then it is usually viral hepatitis (viral infection of the liver).
Normal values?
Men less than 50 and in women less than 40.
Note! These normal values are only an indication and depend, among other things, on the determining laboratory.
What is the BSE?
This is where we measure the rate at which erythrocytes (red blood cells) sink into a laboratory tube (sedimentation rate). It gives an impression of whether or not there is an infection and sometimes its severity.
Normal values?
Women under 50 less than 20 and over 50 less than 30. For men, under 50 less than 15 and over 50 less than 20.
Note! These normal values are only an indication and depend, among other things, on the determining laboratory.
What is Albumin?
Albumin is a protein in the blood that carries other proteins, hormones, nutrients, drugs and vitamins. The liver makes Albumin. If we do not drink enough fluids, we see that the Albumin in our blood rises. If the kidneys are damaged, you can also find Albumin in the urine and at the same time the Albumin level in the blood will drop. Similarly, if the liver is damaged. Similarly, if blood pressure is too high, the kidneys excrete Albumin.
Normal values?
Men/Women 35-55
Note! These normal values are only an indication and depend, among other things, on the determining laboratory.
What is CK?
CK or too creatine kinase is an enzyme found in almost every muscle but also in our brain. When there is damage, the enzyme enters the blood and we can measure this increase. We determine CK to recognise and prosecute muscle diseases. Total CK is a sum of CK-MM (skeletal muscle), CK-MB (cardiac muscle) (see CK-MB) and CK-BB (brain). With damage to heart muscle, CK-MB is elevated.
Normal values?
Men < 200
Women < 170
Note! These normal values are only an indication and depend, among other things, on the determining laboratory.
What is CK-MB?
CK-MB is a creatine kinase, an enzyme released after damage to the heart. CK-MB is part of total CK (see CK).
CK-MB levels will rise between 4 and 6 hours after a heart attack and reach their highest levels within 24 hours. After about 3 days, the level will have returned to normal. Now Troponin (see Troponin) is used as a marker for heart attack.
Normal values?
Men < 25
Women < 30
Note! These normal values are only an indication and depend, among other things, on the determining laboratory.
Alkaline phosphatase
What is Alkaline phosphatase?
This is an enzyme that can split phosphate molecules from other substances. The enzyme is found in several tissues such as liver, intestine and kidney. It is usually determined along with Gamma-GT, ALAT, ASAT because it is usually an elevation due to a liver problem. A bone problem can also be an indication to determine Alkaline phosphatase.
Normal values?
Men/Women less than 125
What is amylase?
Amylase is made in the pancreas (pancreas) and salivary glands. It can break down sugars. In inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), amylase may be elevated. Pancreatitis occurs with gallstones but also with excessive alcohol consumption. Amylase is excreted through the kidneys. If the kidneys are not working properly, Amylase levels will also be elevated.
Normal values?
Women/Men less than 107
Note! These normal values are only an indication and depend, among other things, on the determining laboratory.
What is APTT?
APTT is a test used to check for proper blood clotting. In addition, PTT and PT is used.
Blood type
What are blood groups?
It is a classification of different types of blood that may or may not match, think blood transfusions. There are many types of blood groups.
In general, we use the ABO system and the Rhesus + or - system. About 85% have Rhesus + blood.
In het algemeen gebruiken wij het ABO systeem en het Rhesus + of – systeem. Ongeveer 85% heeft Rhesus + bloed.
What is a BMI
BMI stands for Body Mass Index. The BMI tells you whether your weight is healthy in relation to your height. With a healthy weight, you have less risk of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes.
How do I calculate my BMI?
1. Divide your weight in kg by your height in metres e.g. divide 80 kg by e.g. 1.80 metres that becomes the answer 44.4444
2. Divide 44.4444 again by your height and the answer is 24.69
3. 24.69 is the BMI in this example
For a woman and man, a BMI of between 18.5 and 24.9 is considered good.
A percentage below 18.5 means underweight. A percentage of 25 to 29.9 overweight and above 30 that one is severely overweight (obese).
Note! These normal values are only an indication and depend, among other things, on the determining laboratory.
What is CA?
Calcium is involved in building the skeleton, clotting our blood and contracting muscles. In osteoporosis, when bones become brittle, Calcium is determined.
Normal values?
Women/Men 2.10-2.55
Note! These normal values are only an indication and depend, among other things, on the determining laboratory.
What is CEA?
CEA is a glycoprotein, Carcino-Embryonic-Antigen. During foetal development, it is made but has disappeared before birth. In various cancers, it reappears in the blood and can therefore be used as a tumour marker, such as in colon, breast, lung, liver and pancreatic cancer. It is non-specific and therefore can only be used to monitor tumour growth. CEA may also be elevated in smokers.
Normal values?
Women/Men < 2.5
Note! These normal values are only an indication and depend, among other things, on the determining laboratory.
CA 15.3
What is CA 15.3?
CA 15.3 is a glycoprotein and is elevated when cancer cells develop. CA 15.3 is used to detect and monitor breast cancer (mammary carcinoma).
CA 19.9
What is CA 19.9?
CA 19.9 is a glycolipid and is produced in epithelial tissues. In this case, tissues that produce mucus. It is used to find and follow up pancreatic adenocarcinoma (pancreatic cancer) and hepatobiliary cancer (cancer of the liver and bile ducts).
CA 125
What is CA 125?
CA 125 is a glycoprotein found in small amounts in the blood. When cancer cells are formed, CA 125 will rise.
CA 125 is used to detect and monitor ovarian cancer (ovarian carcinoma)
What is Cholesterol?
Cholesterol is a substance (fatty) that makes all kinds of things like bile, cells, Vitamin D and hormones in the body.
We get cholesterol from food but can also produce it ourselves in the liver. The body needs cholesterol.
Cholesterol determinations should actually take place every 5 years from the age of 20. And from the age of 35 for men and from the age of 45 for women, the frequency of determination should increase.ste levensjaar. En vanaf het 35ste jaar voor mannen en voor vrouwen vanaf het 45ste jaar zou de frequentie van het bepalen steeds hoger moeten worden.
Cholesterol has become almost a hot topic partly due to our dietary habits. To get a correct insight as a doctor about the level of cholesterol and the possible consequences (heart problems), a lipid profile (fat profile) will be determined. But in addition, age, blood pressure, smoking habits, the person as a whole (holistic medicine), among others, must also be considered.
The lipid profile consists of:
It is important to look at the Cholesterol/HDL Cholesterol ratio; this ratio gives a better picture of cardiovascular disease risk. VLDL and LDL cause a build-up of "plaques" plaques in our vessels and this is called arteriosclerosis. These plaques cause narrowing of the blood vessels.
Normal values.
Total cholesterol
< 8
Cardiovascular disease.
Arteriosclerosis can thus cause serious cardiovascular diseases. A healthy lifestyle is therefore a must. Exercising, not smoking, eating healthy food contributes to a reduced risk of arteriosclerosis. Unfortunately, some people are predisposed to hypercholesterolemia, usually this is hereditary; then it is called Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH). A high HDL and a low LDL is much better than a high LDL and a low HDL.
The LDL takes the bad to the tissues and the HDL takes the bad to the liver (waste processing).
Note! These normal values are only an indication and depend, among other things, on the determining laboratory.
What is cotinine?
Cotinine is an alkaloid found in tobacco. Cotinine is used as a biomarker to find traces of tobacco smoke in blood, urine, hair, saliva. Cotinine has a half-life of 24 hours and this means that tobacco smoke can still be determined even after 48 hours.
What is CRP?
CRP is C-reactive protein and it is called an acute phase protein. CRP is produced in the liver and it is released into the bloodstream within a few hours of inflammation, such as infection and arthritis, as well as after a heart attack or surgery. CRP can be used to monitor the activity of the disease process.
Normal values?
Men/Women < 10
Note! These normal values are only an indication and depend, among other things, on the determining laboratory.
What is ferritin?
Ferritin is a protein that can bind and store iron in cells. There is only a small amount in the blood. Determining Ferritin is used to investigate anaemia and whether too much iron is stored in the body (haemochromatosis).
Normal values?
Men 25-250
Women pre-menopausal 20-150
Post-menopausal 20-250
Note! These normal values are only an indication and depend, among other things, on the determining laboratory.
What is glucose?
Glucose is a sugar in the blood. Too high a level is called hyperglycaemia and too low a level is called hypoglycaemia. Blood sugar levels are controlled by insulin which in turn is produced in the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas (pancreas). Carbohydrates such as starch and sugar enter the blood after digestion mainly as glucose. Glucose in the blood is determined in two ways; after about 6 hours of not eating (the fasting glucose) and the glucose just throughout the day. Glucose is also sometimes checked at different times of the day this is to follow the progression after eating.
Normal values?
Glucose sober 3.5-6.0 mmol/l
Glucose not sober 3.5-7.8 mmol/l
Diabetes (diabetes).
There are two types of diabetes type 1 and type 2.
In 1, no or little insulin is produced because probably the immune system attacks its own islets of Langerhans. Diabetes 1 can start at a young age or after an illness such as the flu. These people need to inject insulin. Diabetes 2 is sometimes called a disease of affluence. The disease usually starts later in life, the body becomes less sensitive to insulin. Many are overweight and eat unhealthily. They usually have to take tablets to keep glucose levels at the right level in severe cases, insulin will also have to be injected. Some population groups such as Hindus have a much higher risk of diabetes.
Note! These normal values are only an indication and depend, among other things, on the determining laboratory.
What is PSA?
PSA (prostate specific antigen) is a protein made in the prostate gland. As men get older, the level of PSA in the blood increases slightly, just as the prostate also gets slightly larger, Prostate hypertrophy. In cancer of the prostate, the PSA goes up sharply. It is important to note that the PSA only gives an indication but cannot be properly used to diagnose (recognise) prostate cancer. However, if there is a strange rise, further investigation should take place.
Normal values?
Men < 4
Note! These normal values are only an indication and depend, among other things, on the determining laboratory.
What is Progesterone?
Progesterone is made after ovulation by LH (see LH) and FSH (see FSH). It ensures that the endometrium is made ready for a fertilised egg to nestle. During the first three months of pregnancy, this hormone also ensures, that the pregnancy is maintained. Progesterone is also measured when ovulation has occurred.
Normal values?
< 1, 0 - 3, 0 before ovulation
12 - 60 after ovulation
Note! These normal values are only an indication and depend, among other things, on the determining laboratory.
What are reticulocytes?
These are red blood cells in their "infant" stage. If the number of erythrocytes (red blood cells) is reduced, we look to see if there are enough reticulocytes and if they are produced enough by the bone marrow.
What is LH?
LH is a luteīniscent hormone which is made in the pituitary gland. It works closely with FSH (see FSH) and triggers ovulation. After ovulation, progesterone (see progesterone) and oestrogen (see oestrogen) are then produced. It can be measured at what stage ovulation is, but also whether menopause has begun.
Normal values?
Women 1, 0-8, 0 before and after ovulation
Note! These normal values are only an indication and depend, among other things, on the determining laboratory.
Hb (Hemoglobine)
What is Hb (haemoglobin content)?
Haemoglobin is a protein high in iron and is found in the erythrocytes. It gives the red colour to the blood. The Hb with the iron provides oxygen transport through the body. Oxygen-rich blood is lighter red than oxygen-poor blood. Often fatigue is the first sign of lowered Hb usually due to iron deficiency.
Why iron deficiency?
It can be caused by poor nutrition. But also due to blood loss, in women think of excessive bleeding during the menstrual period. There can also be blood loss through the intestines, this usually happens without being noticed and fatigue can then be the first sign.
Normal values?
In women about between 7.5 and 10. In men about 8.5 and 11. The Hb can vary over the course of a few weeks and a level of 9.5 at first and a few weeks later of, say, 7 has no significance. One is not better than the other.
In athletes, for example professional cyclists, doping (EPO) is sometimes used to raise erythrocytes and thus Hb levels. Whether this really helps to increase performance remains a matter of debate to this day. However, it does increase the risk of thrombosis (blood clotting) as the blood becomes more viscous
Note! These normal values are only an indication and depend, among other things, on the determining laboratory.
What is Iron?
Iron is a component of haemoglobin (Hb) (see Hb). This iron is needed to bind and transport oxygen through the blood from the lungs to the tissues and vice versa. 70% of our iron is attached to Hb, the rest is linked to Ferritin (see Ferritin). Iron deficiency will result in a shortage of red blood cells (erythrocytes) (see erythrocytes). Iron levels go up and down throughout the day so iron levels are often measured together with Ferritin.
Normal values?
Men 14-28
Women 10-25
Note! These normal values are only an indication and depend, among other things, on the determining laboratory.
What is the haematocrit?
The haematocrit is the ratio of erythrocytes (red blood cells see erythrocytes) to the rest of the blood. Top athletes like the haematocrit to be high because then the theory is that one can perform better. People use doping like EPO for this purpose but they also go into oxygen tents or live at high altitude for a while.
Normal values?
The haematocrit is almost always determined when a full blood count is requested.
Normal values for a woman are about 0.36 to 0.47 and in a man these values are 0.41 to 0.50
Haematocrit too high?
This occurs in people who are dehydrated or when too many red blood cells are made. This causes viscosity of the blood with risk of cardiovascular disease and thrombosis (blood clotting).
Note! These normal values are only an indication and depend, among other things, on the determining laboratory.
What is HIV?
The HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) test is popularly known as the AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) test. It takes about 4-6 weeks after infection before HIV can be determined in the blood.
Note! These normal values are only an indication and depend, among other things, on the determining laboratory.
What is potassium?
Potassium is a salt and is also called an electrolyte. Another salt is Sodium (see Sodium). The balance of potassium is often disturbed by diarrhoea, kidney disease and/or medications such as urine pills. When potassium is too high, one gets loss of strength, heart rhythm disturbances up to cardiac arrest. When potassium is too low, heart rhythm disturbances and loss of strength can also occur.
Normal values?
Men/Women 3.55
Note! These normal values are only an indication and depend, among other things, on the determining laboratory.
What is Kreatinine?
Creatinine is used to calculate kidney function. If this determination is made in both blood and urine, we can calculate the clearance. This is particularly important to determine how waste products are processed but also medicines we take.
Normal values?
Women 45-80
Men 45-100
Note! These normal values are only an indication and depend, among other things, on the determining laboratory.
What are leucocytes?
Leucocytes are white blood cells, which provide our body's defence. When we have an infection, as well as during pregnancy, for example, the number of these "soldiers" goes up significantly. There are about five different types of white blood cells; Neutrophilic granulocytes, Lymphocytes, Eosinophilic granulocytes, Basophilic granulocytes and Monocytes. Each of these has its own task. Eosinophilic granulocytes play a role in parasite infections. Neutrophilic granulocytes provide direct defence in infections caused by bacteria. Lymphocytes make antibodies; we have the T cells and the B cells. Basophilic granulocytes play a role in allergic reaction. Monocytes are quickly on the spot to give an immune response.
If we have too many of them it is called leucocytosis and if we have too few of them it is called leucopenia.
Als we er teveel van hebben heet dat leucocytose en als we er te weinig van hebben wordt dat leucopenie genoemd.
Normal values?
Neutrophil granulocytes
Eosinophilic granulocytes
< 0,4
Basophilic granulocytes
< 0,2
0,2 – 0,8
Leucocyte differentiation?
When leucocytes are looked at under the microscope, we determine which type is elevated to get an impression of which type of possible infection is involved. This is to set up proper treatment. We also check for leukaemia. Leukaemia is a greatly increased level of white blood cells.
Note! These normal values are only an indication and depend, among other things, on the determining laboratory.
What is Sodium?
Sodium, like potassium (see Potassium), is a salt and is also called an electrolyte. Sodium is determined to determine the fluid balance in the body and check if the body is dehydrated.
Normal values?
Men/Women 136-144
Sodium deficiency.
Severe Sodium deficiency can cause the following symptoms: cardiac arrest, breathlessness, confusion, insulence, nausea, vomiting, headache.
Note! These normal values are only an indication and depend, among other things, on the determining laboratory.
What is MCH?
Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH), which is the amount of Hb (Haemoglobin) in red blood cells that carries oxygen.
Normal values?
Men/women 1.7-2.1
Note! These normal values are only an indication and depend, among other things, on the determining laboratory.
What is MCHC?
MCHC (Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration) is the level concentration of Hb (haemoglobin) in erythrocytes (red blood cells).
Normal values?
Women/Men 19.3-22.5
Note! These normal values are only an indication and depend, among other things, on the determining laboratory.
What is MCV?
Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) is the average size of erythrocytes (red blood cells). When it is too high, there is often anaemia due to Vitamin B12 deficiency. If the value is too low, there is often iron deficiency.
Normal values?
Men/Women 82-98
Note! These normal values are only an indication and depend, among other things, on the determining laboratory.
What is Testosterone?
Testosterone is a male sex hormone but also occurs in women, especially during pregnancy. Just as the female sex hormone Oestrogen (see Oestrogen) also occurs in men. Testosterone determines our sex in utero. It is an anabolic hormone that determines muscularity and other male characteristics.
Normal values?
Men 12-35
Women 0.5-3.0
Note! These normal values are only an indication and depend, among other things, on the determining laboratory.
What are thrombocytes?
Platelets are responsible for clotting our blood and are also called the platelets. If there are too many platelets it is called thrombocytosis and if there are too few it is called thrombocytopenia. Platelets, like erythrocytes, are made in the bone marrow.
When something is damaged in our body and something is bleeding, the thrombocytes come into action a "net" is created where the thrombocytes are trapped and the blood coagulates and repair of the damage can begin.
Normal values?
In men and women, normal values are between 150 and 400.
If the amount of platelets is too low, bleeding can occur that clots poorly. Quick bruising that would otherwise not come at all. If too much, clots can form in all sorts of places in our bodies.
Note! These normal values are only an indication and depend, among other things, on the determining laboratory.
What is Troponin?
Troponin is a protein that acts to relax and tighten muscles. The protein consists of three parts: C(TnC), T(TnT) and I(TnI). Usually, only I and T are measured. An increase in Troponin can be measured within 2 hours of a heart attack. In heart problems, Troponin is often determined together with CK-MB (see CK-MB).
Normal values?
Troponin I < 0.10
Troponin T < 0.01
Note! These normal values are only an indication and depend, among other things, on the determining laboratory.
What is TSH?
TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland, a gland in the brain. This hormone stimulates the thyroid gland (thyroid) to work. If there is too much TSH, the thyroid starts working too hard and one may feel agitated, get palpitations. Incidentally, even without this hormone, the thyroid can sometimes work too fast or too slow. TSH is usually determined together with free T3, T3, free T4, T4 (see T3 and T4). These hormones are produced by the thyroid gland itself and provide feedback to the pituitary gland. Sometimes the TSH is slightly elevated throughout life without any consequences, the elevated TSH then ensures that the thyroid continues to do its job properly.
Normal values?
Women/Men 0.4-4.0
Note! These normal values are only an indication and depend, among other things, on the determining laboratory.
T3, Free T3
What is T3 and Free T3?
T3 is a Triiodothyronine and is made by the thyroid gland. Most of the hormone is bound to thyroxine-binding globulin and only a small percentage is unbound. The unbound part is precisely the hormone that does the work. The bound part ensures that the level of the unbound part remains constant and all in conjunction with the TSH (see TSH).
Normal values?
Total T3 1.2-3.4
Free T3 3-8
Note! These normal values are only an indication and depend, among other things, on the determining laboratory.
T4, Free T4
What is T4 and Free T4?
T4 is called Thyroxine. In total T4, the bound and unbound portion is measured. The bound part is attached to thyroxine binding globulin but also to Transthyretin and Albumin. When thyroid function is elevated (one then feels agitated, sometimes palpitations and weight loss), T4 is usually elevated, when the thyroid gland works too slowly, weight gain and fatigue can occur. T4 free and unbound is usually determined together with the TSH and free T3 and T3 (see TSH, T3 and free T3).
Normal values?
Total T4 64-154
Free T4 9-24
Note! These normal values are only an indication and depend, among other things, on the determining laboratory.
Uric acid
What is uric acid?
Uric acid is made by the breakdown of body cells and the breakdown of food, such as beans, mackerel, beer. Uric acid is excreted by the kidneys and if it gets too high then the uric acid can precipitate as crystals in the joints; but also other tissues and this is called gout (well-known example is pain and redness on the big toe). Too high levels of uric acid can also lead to kidney stones.
Normal values?
Women 0.12-0.34
Men 0.20-0.42
Note! These normal values are only an indication and depend, among other things, on the determining laboratory.
What is the WHR?
That is the "waist to hip ratio " It is calculated by dividing the abdominal circumference (after exhaling) by the size around the hips. For example, an abdominal circumference of 76 cm and a hip circumference of 97 cm gives a WHR of 0.78.
What does it indicate?
It is used to serve as an indicator of whether serious health issues may arise e.g. cardiovascular disease, diabetes. But it is also used (there would be a relationship with) to predict fertility.
Normal values.
For men, a value of 0.9 would be optimal. They would have less risk of prostate cancer and testis cancer and their fertility would be optimal. For women, that value is at 0.7 they would then be less likely to have cardiovascular disease, as well as diabetes or ovarian cancer (ovarian cancer).
Note! These normal values are only an indication and depend, among other things, on the determining laboratory.
• Client completes online Asbestos questionnaire
• Physical examination
• Biometrics
• Blood pressure
• Pulse (heartbeat)
• Urinalysis (large stick)
• Lung function
De werkgever ontvangt een certificaat als de werknemer is goedgekeurd.
Cliënt ontvangt men een pasje met goedkeuring.
Wanneer men een veiligheidspaspoort bij zich heeft kan dan daarin een stempel worden gezet, de handtekening van de arts, de soort keuring en de geldigheidsduur.
Validity inspection:
3 years at age up to 49 years
1 year from 50 years of age and older
Duration of examination: 25 minutes
(1T to 3T)
• Client completes online Soil Remediation A questionnaire
• Physical examination
• Biometrics
• Blood pressure
• Pulse (heart rate)
• Smell test
• Ishihara test (colour discrimination)
• Eyesight test
• Audiogram (hearing test)
• Urine test
• Lung function test
• Blood tests;
ASAT, ALAT, Gamma-GT, Kreatinine, Urea.
Blood count: Leucocytes, Hb. MCV, Thrombocytes.
The employer receives a certificate if the employee is approved. Client receives a pass with approval.
If one carries a safety passport, one can then put a stamp in it, the doctor's signature, the type of examination and the validity period.
Validity of examination: 1 year
Duration of examination: 50 minutes
Diver medical examination
• Client completes Personal Declaration for sport diving examination and examination form
• Examination according to medical examination form
• Biometrics
• Blood pressure
• Eyesight test
• Lung function
• Urine test
Please bring your own completed self-declaration forms and medical examination form to the appointment.
Validity test: 3 years
from 50 years and older is 1 year
Medicala examination duration: 30 minutes
• Client completes online Medibus questionnaire.
• Biometrics
• Blood pressure
• Pulse (heart rate)
• Eyesight test
• Field of vision
• Urine test
Validity of examination: 5 years
Duration of examination: 15 minutes
Parachuting medical examination
• Client completes online Medical Declaration skydiving certificate
• Physical examination according to form (see medical examination requirements 1 to 6)
• Biometrics
• Blood pressure
• Eyesight test
• Urine test
• Whisper test
• Teeth
Medical examination requirements Parachuting
1. Absence of any physical or mental illness, defect or abnormality, which may lead to sudden unfitness to perform a parachute jump properly.
2. Sufficient function of the four limbs, paying particular attention to knee and ankle joints, as well as shape and function of the spine and the trainedness of the band apparatus and musculature.
3. Normal function of heart, lungs, kidneys and nervous system.
4a. Een actieve, acute of chronische pathologische toestand van een of beide ogen of van de adnexae waardoor goed functioneren in zulke mate zou kunnen worden belemmerd, dat de veiligheid tijdens de sprong niet is gewaarborgd, leidt tot ongeschikt verklaring.
4b. The applicant shall have a distance visual acuity of at least 6/12 (20/40, 0.5) in each eye separately, with or without correction. If this visual acuity is obtained only with the aid of corrective lenses, the applicant may be declared fit provided that the lenses are worn during sports parachuting.
5. The candidate should understand conversational speech well, standing 2.5 metres away with the back to the examiner. The tubae eustachii should be well permeable. Disturbances in the vestibular apparatus lead to unqualified explanation.
6. The teeth must be in good condition. Loose teeth, dentures or otherwise, must have been removed during jumping. Certificate is valid for 24 months from date of approval.
Validity test: 2 years
Test duration: 20 minutes
Medical certificate : Medimark issues pass as medical certificate
Health certificate: 75 years or older
Are you 75 years or older and want to renew your driving licence? If so, you must be able to prove for every licence renewal that you are healthy enough to drive. CBR assesses this with the Health Declaration. This rule does not apply to moped licences.
What should you do?
• Start your application in good time. Assessing whether you are healthy enough to drive can sometimes take four months. Therefore, complete your Health Declaration well in advance and digitally to be able to obtain or renew your driving licence on time.
• Complete the Health Statement on My CBR. You log in with DigiD and the extra check via SMS. Do you not yet have a DigiD with text message verification? Then apply for one first at www.digid.nl.
You can also complete the Health Declaration on paper. In some municipalities, you can also buy this Health Declaration.
• You complete the Health Declaration yourself. Because it involves your personal data and they are confidential. Answer the questions of the Health Declaration and pay via iDeal.
• After submitting your Health Declaration, you will receive a message from us via My CBR . This can take up to 5 working days. You will then receive the examination report for the doctor and any other forms you need to have completed.
• Make an appointment for a driving licence examination at Medimark (0800 6334627 or www.medimark.nl Take your message with all attachments and your identity document with you to the driving licence examination.
• The doctor will examine your general physical and mental health and complete the examination report and any other forms.
• Are you under treatment by a specialist for a health problem? And do you already know that CBR requires a report from a specialist? Then you can often visit your own treating specialist for a report and also send this directly along with the examination report.
• Send all requested information to: CBR, attn medical administration Health Declaration, PO Box 1062, 2280 CB RIJSWIJK.
• CBR will evaluate all the information. You will receive notification of the results via My CBR.
• At Medimark you can be examined at short notice, make an appointment via the website ( www.medimark.nl ) or call us at ( 0800 6334627 ).
• If you have a question, give us a call, we are happy to help!
• Client fills in Kiwa form
• Biometrics
• Blood pressure
• Pulse (heart rate)
• Eyesight test
• Field of vision
• Urine test
Please bring the completed KIWA form with you before the appointment.
Validity: 5 years
Duration examination: 15 minutes
• Cliënt vult online Health Check Basis vragenformulier in
• Physical examination
• Biometrics
• Fat percentage measurement
• Blood pressure
• Pulse (heart rate)
• Saturatiemeting (zuurstof bloed)
• Eyesight test
• Urine test
• Ergometry:
ECG at rest. (relaxed).
Duration examination: 20 minutes
KEURING HEALTH CHECK BASIS inclusief inspanningstest
• Cliënt vult Health Check Basis vragenformulier in
• Physical examination
• Biometrics
• Fat percentage measurement
• Blood pressure
• Pulse (heart rate)
• Saturatiemeting (zuurstof bloed)
• Eyesight test
• Urine test
• Ergometry:
ECG Rust. (hartfilmpje bij ontspanning)
ECG Stress. (hartfilmpje bij inspanning: fietsproef)
Duur: 50 minuten
Keuringslocatie: Alleen in Amstelveen, Breda, Eindhoven en Rotterdam
• Cliënt vult Health Check Uitgebreid vragenformulier in
• Physical examination
• Biometrics
• Fat percentage measurement
• Blood pressure
• Pulse (heart rate)
• Saturatiemeting (zuurstof bloed)
• Eyesight test
• Urine test
• Ergometry:
ECG at rest. (relaxed).
• Blood tests:
Cholesterol Totaal, Gamma-GT, Kreatinine
Duur: 40 minuten
Preventive Medical Examination Woman-II
• Client completes online PMO questionnaire
• Comprehensive physical examination
• Musculoskeletal examination
• Biometrics
• WHR (size measurement , waist and hip ratio)
• Fat percentage measurement
• Blood pressure
• Pulse (heart rate)
• Eyesight test
• Audiogram (hearing test)
• Lung function
• Urine test
• Ergometry:
ECG Rest (cardiac video when relaxed)
ECG Stress (exercise heart monitor: cycling test)
• Blood tests:
Alanine aminotransferase, Aspartaat aminotranferase, Cholesterol, HDL-Cholesterol, LDL-Cholesterol, Bezinking, Gamma-GT/GGT, Glucose, Hemoglobine, Kreatinine, Ureum, Triglyceriden.
Blood count: Leucocytes, MCV, Thrombocytes.
Duur keuring: 75 minuten
Kosten: €345,-
Keuringslocatie: Alleen in Amstelveen, Breda, Eindhoven en Rotterdam.
Preventive Medical Examination Woman-III Plus X-Thorax
• Client completes online PMO questionnaire
• Comprehensive physical examination
• Musculoskeletal examination
• Biometrics
• WHR (size measurement , waist and hip ratio)
• Fat percentage measurement
• Pulse (heart rate)
• Blood pressure
• Eyesight test
• Audiogram (hearing test)
• Lung function
• Urine test
• Ergometry:
ECG Rest (cardiac video when relaxed)
ECG Stress (exercise heart monitor: cycling test)
• Blood test
• Client completes the examination form Medical Examination of Shipping Personnel from the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment.
• Examination according to the examination sheet of the form
• Biometrics
• Blood pressure
• Pulse (heart rate)
• Eyesight test
• Ishihara test (colour discrimination)
• Audiogram (hearing test)
• Urine test
• After the medical examination, one receives a completed Medical Certificate with it. Medimark notifies the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment.
Please bring completed form Medical Examination Shipboard Personnel before the appointment.
Validity of examination: 2 years
Duration of examination: 30 minutes
Inspection location: Only in Rotterdam
Inleiding Verzekeringskeuringen
Why is a medical examination now required for life or disability insurance? With insurance, you insure yourself against a certain risk, such as the risk of death or the risk of becoming disabled. If that risk occurs, the insurer pays you or your dependants a certain amount of money
To determine the amount of the premium, the insurer needs to know the risk of your death or disability. Your risk determines the amount of your premium and the conditions under which you are insured. The purpose of the medical examination is to make a good assessment of the risk that you will die or become incapacitated within the term of the insurance. This assessment is made by a medical advisor. Usually, the medical advisor can estimate the risk with the information you entered in the health declaration, but often an examination has to take place in connection with the amount of capital to be insured. The examination is part of the underwriting procedure.
This means that the insurer can only accept you (and therefore you can only take out insurance) if you undergo the medical examination.
What can you expect from a medical examination?
The medical examination is carried out by an independent doctor such as one from Medimark. This means that the doctor must be independent from you and from the insurer. Thus, you cannot go to your own GP or to a friendly doctor or specialist. Sometimes the medical examiner will do a general health check; in other cases he will examine you for specific disorders. Because every examination is different, it is not possible to tell you in this leaflet exactly what to expect. Both the insurer, the medical advisor and the examining doctor must always inform you in advance of what is intended.
What happens to the results of the examination?
All the necessary paperwork has been completed, the medical examination is over. Now what? The required information is on the desk of the insurer's medical advisor. The medical advisor assesses your health situation and advises the insurer on taking out the insurance. He issues a reasoned opinion on the (medical) risk. If the medical advisor advises against accepting you on 'standard'/normal conditions, you will always receive an explanation of this advice from the medical advisor. As the insured, you have the right to be the first to hear the medical advisor's advice. However, you must request this in writing in advance. As a result, it may take longer until the insurance is concluded. You also have the right to ask the medical advisor not to send the advice to the insurer. The insurer then does not know anything about the medical advisor's advice but then the insurance cannot be established.
You can make an appointment via our website ( www.medimark.nl ) or you can call us for an appointment (0800 6334627).
If you have any further questions about an insurance examination, you can always call us!
Preventief Medisch Onderzoek Man-III Inclusief X Thorax
• Client completes online PMO questionnaire
• Comprehensive physical examination
• Musculoskeletal examination
• Biometrics
• WHR (size measurement , waist and hip ratio)
• Fat percentage measurement
• Blood pressure
• Pulse (heart rate)
• Eyesight test
• Audiogram (hearing test)
• Lung function
• Urine test
• Ergometry:
ECG Rest (cardiac video when relaxed)
ECG Stress (exercise heart monitor: cycling test)
• Blood tests:
Alanine aminotransferase, Aspartaat aminotranferase, Cholesterol, HDL-Cholesterol, LDL-Cholesterol, Bezinking, Gamma-GT/GGT, Glucose, Hemoglobine, Kreatinine, Ureum, Triglyceriden.
Blood count: Leucocytes, MCV, Thrombocytes.
• X-Thorax (röntgenfoto van borstkas)
Duur keuring: 75 minuten + 60 minuten X-Thorax
Kosten: €415,-
Keuringslocatie: Alleen in Amstelveen, Breda, Eindhoven en Rotterdam.
Preventive Medical Examination Man-III
• Client completes online PMO questionnaire
• Comprehensive physical examination
• Musculoskeletal examination
• Biometrics
• WHR (size measurement , waist and hip ratio)
• Fat percentage measurement
• Blood pressure
• Pulse (heart rate)
• Eyesight test
• Audiogram (hearing test)
• Lung function
• Urine test
• Ergometry:
ECG Rest (cardiac video when relaxed)
ECG Stress (exercise heart monitor: cycling test)
• Blood test